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Midnite weekday rambles

The mind is truly a wonderful thing. It can grow you to extreme heights but also, it could break you into million pieces. For me, it is breaking me apart, bit by bit and I could feel myself slipping into this dark pit of despair slowly..  Living with anxiety is like living with an invisible monster. The monster is not physical yet it does so much damage to myself and the people around me. It feeds on your happiness, hopes and optimism of the future like a predator waiting to eat its prey. Just that one happy thought, gone and replaced with a negative one. The monster thrives on negativities, self doubts, fear and anger and it creates hatred, regret, self loathing and extreme ungratefulness. It also creates despair.. I need to detoxify my mind, fast. I cannot live like this anymore. So now, as a start to a healthier mind (and body, of course), I have begun my work out regime after neglecting it for years. Wish me luck.

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